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schema therapy training

Suggested Schema Therapy Reading



  • Jeffrey E. Young, Janet S. Klosko, and Marjorie E. Weishaar (2003). “Schema Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide”.



  • Young, J.E. & Klosko, J.S. (1993,1994). “Reinventing Your Life”



Additional schema therapy text include:


  • Laura Seebauer, Hannie van Genderen, Gitta Jacob  (2015). Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns: A Schema Therapy Self-Help and Support Book. 



  • Arnoud Arntz, Hannie van Genderen (2009). Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorders


  •  Arnoud Arntz, Gitta Jacob (2013). Schema Therapy in Practice: An Introductory Guide to the Schema Mode Approach.



  • Ida A. Shaw, Joan M. Farrell (2012) Group Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder - a Step-By-Step Treatment Manual with Patient Workbook.



  • Michiel Van Vreeswijk, Marjon Nadort, Jenny Broersen (2015). The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Schema Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice.


  • Eckhard Roediger, Bruce A. Stevens, Robert Brockman (2018). Contextual Schema Therapy. An Integrated approach to Personality Disorders, Emotional Dysregulation and Interpersonal Difficulties









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